Environmental Benefits Of Solar Water Heater For A Sustainable Future

We are blessed with an abundance of solar energy free of cost. The best part about installing a solar water heating system for home is that it is an environment-friendly and cost-effective option.

What is a Solar water heater?

A solar water heater is a high-efficiency appliance to draw power directly from the sun for daily use. The heater is placed in the open area of your terrace where it gets adequate sunlight throughout the day.

How does it work?

  1. Direct sunlight is collected in the collectors and the sun’s thermal energy heats the fluid in the solar collectors
  2. The fluid is made to pass through a heat exchanger in the insulated storage tank that transfers the heat to the water.
  3. You get a 24*7 supply of hot water.

What are its environmental benefits?

The basic purpose of installing the solar water heater is to provide hot water with the use of renewable energy i.e. the sun. Solar appliances do not harm the environment and also do not affect the health of the people. That is why, today, people like to prefer solar appliances for their homes.

The solar water heater systems are beneficial in many ways, whether it is environmental, financial or socio-economical. The solar water heaters do not emit any harmful gas, unlike the other fossil fuels which produce a large amount of carbon dioxide harming the breathing layer of the environment.

Due to the direct heating process, solar water heaters do not require electricity to generate hot water. Hence they have the potentiality to reduce the emission of carbon footprints.

Here are some more environmental benefits of a solar water heater.

  1. Renewable energy is used to generate hot water.
  2. It helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  3. It is effective at even low temperatures.
  4. No added roof space is needed for installation.
  5. An easy and economical installation process, unlike others.
  6. It may last up to 15 years if properly taken care of.